Mangoes are often referred to as the ‘King of the Fruits’, and it’s not hard to see why. With their sweet taste, incomparable flavour, and the surprising health benefits of mango, they bring a slice of sunshine to plates across the world. Consumers have never failed to notice its benefits.
Mango is home to India, the native to the Tropical region of South East Asia have been cultivated for thousands of years. There are about 300 varieties of mangoes found in India.
A few of the Popular Varieties you may like to shop now Malgova, Banganapalli, Alphonsa, Totapuri, Neelam, Safeda, Kesariya, Sendhuram, Chausa, Imam Prasad, Dashehari, Mallika, Langra, Rumaniya etc
The Nutritional Benefits of Mangoes:
Mangoes are the best summertime fruits. They contain a high amount of Calories, vitamin C, folate, Vitamin A, B, other essential minerals like, a small proportion of copper, potash, Magnesium, essential enzymes that are essential for boosting immunity and production of blood cells.
The Surprising Health Benefits of Mango:
Not just mangoes, the mango leaves are also filled with health remedies and curative attributes. As per health benefits, mangoes are helpful to treat various life-threatening diseases.
Fights Cancer:
Loaded with Antioxidants like isoquercitrin, quercetin, astragalin, Gallic acid, and fisetin thus our body gets protected against colon, breast, leukaemia, and prostate cancer.
Mangoes keep cholesterol in check due to the high level of Vitamin C in them. The fibres also help lower serum cholesterol levels. It is also a rich source of potassium and an essential component of the body and cell fluids, that assist in controlling blood pressure and heart rate.
Weight loss:
As Mangoes are loaded with nutrients and vitamins they make the body feel fuller. The fibre in this fruit also helps in digestion and burning additional calories thus helping in weight loss.
Regulates Diabetes:
The leaves of mango are healthy too, especially for people suffering from diabetes. Take few leaves in a vessel, soak them overnight and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango is also low in the glycaemic index and hence going overboard will not increase the sugar levels.
Better Eye Sight:
Mango is rich in Vitamin A, thus promoting good eyesight. One cup of mango can take care of 25% of the daily need for Vitamin A. It also prevents night blindness.
Strengthens the immune system:
The combination of Vitamin C and A and 25 other kinds of carotenoids keep the immune system healthy.
Improves concentration and memory:
If you are a student, this fruit is for you. Due to the glutamine acid, which is an important protein for memory and concentration mangoes aid in concentration and memory. Parents should feed mangoes to children who find it difficult to concentrate while they are studying.
High Iron:
Mangoes are rich in iron and hence good for people suffering from anaemia. Menopausal and pregnant women can also have mangoes to increase their calcium and iron level.
Instead of snacking on chips and junk, give your children mangoes. Children love this wonder fruit as they are one of the tastiest dehydrated fruits available easily.
Helps in Reducing Kidney Stones:
The Chinese think because mangoes are sweet and sour they reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.
Weight Loss:
Mangoes also help in weight loss and also strengthen your bones as it contains Calcium and Vitamin D.
Exotic fruits and their uses:
Mangoes are often added to food and beverage to increase natural sweetness in Juice, smoothies, ice creams, jam, pulp, pickles, chocolates, etc.
Tips to Ripe & Store Raw Mangoes:
1. Store well-matured Raw mangoes at room temperature. Avoid Cold storage when unripe.
2. Mangoes naturally ripe at room temperature and becomes sweet, while the skin turns a light greenish-yellow colour.
3. To speed up the ripening, you can place the unripe mangoes in the cardboard box at room temperature.
4. You need to regularly check the condition of ripening once a day. SO that the ripe one can be identified and consumed in a good state.
5. To avoid the ripening of fruits at the same time, the mangoes can be placed in the refrigerator to slow down their ripening process.
Mango pulp can be stored for up to 6 months without spoiling by freezing it.
Do you love to enjoy the delicious taste of Exotic Mangoes? Experience the Surprising Health Benefits of Mango today. Shop at Ansio Fresh – Chennai’s No.1 Online Grocery Shopping Store selling Daily fresh Fruits and Vegetables, handpicked for your family consumption.
Raw or Ripen – Buy Mango Online – Order Now at Ansio Fresh and get the same-day delivery in Chennai.
Enjoy Food- Love Life!